

  use Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter;
    # creating an empty instance
  my $reporter = Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter->new();
    # creating an already populated instance
  my $reporter = Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter->new(warningType=>$warningType_value,
    # setting and retrieving object associations
  my $warningType_val = $reporter->warningType();
  my $failTypes_val = $reporter->failTypes();
  my $immobilizedCharacteristics_val = $reporter->immobilizedCharacteristics();
  my $featureReporterMaps_val = $reporter->featureReporterMaps();


From the MAGE-OM documentation for the Reporter class:

A Design Element that represents some biological material (clone, oligo, etc.) on an array which will report on some biosequence or biosequences. The derived data from the measured data of its Features represents the presence or absence of the biosequence or biosequences it is reporting on in the BioAssay.

Reporters are Identifiable and several Features on the same array can be mapped to the same reporter as can Features from a different ArrayDesign. The granularity of the Reporters independence is dependent on the technology and the intent of the ArrayDesign. Oligos using mature technologies can in general be assumed to be safely replicated on many features where as with PCR Products there might be the desire for quality assurence to make reporters one to one with features and use the mappings to CompositeSequences for replication purposes.


Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter has the following super classes


The following methods can all be called without first having an instance of the class via the Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter->methodname() syntax.

The object constructor new() accepts the following optional named-value style arguments:
$obj->set_slots(\@name_list, \@value_list)
The set_slots() method is used to set a number of slots at the same time. It has two different invocation methods. The first takes a named parameter list, and the second takes two array references.

Return value: none

Side effects: will call croak() if a slot_name is used that the class does not define.

The get_slots() method is used to get the values of a number of slots at the same time.

Return value: a list of instance objects

Side effects: none

$val = $obj->set_slot($name,$val)
The set_slot() method sets the slot $name to the value $val

Return value: the new value of the slot, i.e. $val

Side effects: none

$val = $obj->get_slot($name)
The get_slot() method is used to get the values of a number of slots at the same time.

Return value: a single slot value, or undef if the slot has not been initialized.

Side effects: none

@names = $obj->get_slot_names()
The get_slot_names() method is used to retrieve the name of all slots defined for a given object.

Return value: a single slot value, or undef if the slot has not been initialized.

Side effects: none

$name = class_name()
Returns the full class name for this class, Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter.

$package_name = package()
Returns the unresolved package name (i.e. no 'Bio::MAGE::') of the package that contains class, Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter.

@classes = subclasses()
returns the list of subclasses for this class.

@classes = superclasses()
returns the list of superclasses for this class.

@methods = attribute_methods()
returns the list of attribute accessor methods for this class.

@methods = association_methods()
returns the list of association accessor methods for this class.

%assns = associations()
returns the association meta-information in a hash where the keys are the association names and the values are Bio::MAGE::Association objects that provide the meta-information for the association.


Attributes are simple data types that belong to a single instance of a class. In the Perl implementation of the MAGE-OM classes, the interface to attributes is implemented using separate setter and getter methods for each attribute.

Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter: has the following attribute accessor methods:

Attributes Inherited from Bio::MAGE::Identifiable

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the identifier attribute:

An identifier is an unambiguous string that is unique within the scope (i.e. a document, a set of related documents, or a repository) of its use.

$val = $identifiable->setIdentifier($val)
The restricted setter method for the identifier attribute.

Input parameters: the value to which the identifier attribute will be set

Return value: the current value of the identifier attribute

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified

$val = $identifiable->getIdentifier()
The restricted getter method for the identifier attribute.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the identifier attribute

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the name attribute:

The potentially ambiguous common identifier.

$val = $identifiable->setName($val)
The restricted setter method for the name attribute.

Input parameters: the value to which the name attribute will be set

Return value: the current value of the name attribute

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified

$val = $identifiable->getName()
The restricted getter method for the name attribute.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the name attribute

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified


Associations are references to other class objects which can be shared by multiple class instances at the same time. In the Perl implementation of MAGE-OM classes, associations are implemented using three separate methods:

Retrieves the current value. If the association has list cardinality, an array reference is returned.

Sets the current value replacing any existing value. If the association has list cardinality, the argument must be an array reference. Unless you know what you are doing, you probably should be using the add* methods.

This method exists only for associations with list cardinality. It appends a list of objects to any values that may already be stored in the association.

Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::Reporter: has the following association accessor methods:

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the warningType association:

Similar to failType but indicates a warning rather than a failure.

$val = $reporter->setWarningType($val)
The restricted setter method for the warningType association.

Input parameters: the value to which the warningType association will be set : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry.

Return value: the current value of the warningType association : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry.

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $val is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry

$val = $reporter->getWarningType()
The restricted getter method for the warningType association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the warningType association : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry.

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the failTypes association:

If at some time the reporter is determined to be failed this indicts the failure (doesn't report on what it was intended to report on, etc.)

$array_ref = $reporter->setFailTypes($array_ref)
The restricted setter method for the failTypes association.

Input parameters: the value to which the failTypes association will be set : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry

Return value: the current value of the failTypes association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $array_ref is not a reference to an array class Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry instances

$array_ref = $reporter->getFailTypes()
The restricted getter method for the failTypes association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the failTypes association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

Because the failTypes association has list cardinality, it may store more than one value. This method adds the current list of objects in the failTypes association.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the failTypes association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the immobilizedCharacteristics association:

The sequence annotation on the BioMaterial this reporter represents. Typically the sequences will be an Oligo Sequence, Clone or PCR Primer.

$array_ref = $reporter->setImmobilizedCharacteristics($array_ref)
The restricted setter method for the immobilizedCharacteristics association.

Input parameters: the value to which the immobilizedCharacteristics association will be set : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::BioSequence::BioSequence

Return value: the current value of the immobilizedCharacteristics association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::BioSequence::BioSequence

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $array_ref is not a reference to an array class Bio::MAGE::BioSequence::BioSequence instances

$array_ref = $reporter->getImmobilizedCharacteristics()
The restricted getter method for the immobilizedCharacteristics association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the immobilizedCharacteristics association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::BioSequence::BioSequence

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

Because the immobilizedCharacteristics association has list cardinality, it may store more than one value. This method adds the current list of objects in the immobilizedCharacteristics association.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the immobilizedCharacteristics association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::BioSequence::BioSequence

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the featureReporterMaps association:

Associates features with their reporter.

$array_ref = $reporter->setFeatureReporterMaps($array_ref)
The restricted setter method for the featureReporterMaps association.

Input parameters: the value to which the featureReporterMaps association will be set : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::FeatureReporterMap

Return value: the current value of the featureReporterMaps association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::FeatureReporterMap

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $array_ref is not a reference to an array class Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::FeatureReporterMap instances

$array_ref = $reporter->getFeatureReporterMaps()
The restricted getter method for the featureReporterMaps association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the featureReporterMaps association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::FeatureReporterMap

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

Because the featureReporterMaps association has list cardinality, it may store more than one value. This method adds the current list of objects in the featureReporterMaps association.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the featureReporterMaps association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::FeatureReporterMap

Associations Inherited from Bio::MAGE::DesignElement::DesignElement

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the controlType association:

If the design element represents a control, the type of control it is (normalization, deletion, negative, positive, etc.)

$val = $designelement->setControlType($val)
The restricted setter method for the controlType association.

Input parameters: the value to which the controlType association will be set : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry.

Return value: the current value of the controlType association : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry.

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $val is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry

$val = $designelement->getControlType()
The restricted getter method for the controlType association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the controlType association : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::Description::OntologyEntry.

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

Associations Inherited from Bio::MAGE::Describable

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the security association:

Information on the security for the instance of the class.

$val = $describable->setSecurity($val)
The restricted setter method for the security association.

Input parameters: the value to which the security association will be set : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Security.

Return value: the current value of the security association : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Security.

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $val is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Security

$val = $describable->getSecurity()
The restricted getter method for the security association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the security association : an instance of type Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Security.

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the auditTrail association:

A list of Audit instances that track changes to the instance of Describable.

$array_ref = $describable->setAuditTrail($array_ref)
The restricted setter method for the auditTrail association.

Input parameters: the value to which the auditTrail association will be set : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Audit

Return value: the current value of the auditTrail association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Audit

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $array_ref is not a reference to an array class Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Audit instances

$array_ref = $describable->getAuditTrail()
The restricted getter method for the auditTrail association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the auditTrail association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Audit

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

Because the auditTrail association has list cardinality, it may store more than one value. This method adds the current list of objects in the auditTrail association.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the auditTrail association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::AuditAndSecurity::Audit

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the descriptions association:

Free hand text descriptions. Makes available the associations of Description to an instance of Describable.

$array_ref = $describable->setDescriptions($array_ref)
The restricted setter method for the descriptions association.

Input parameters: the value to which the descriptions association will be set : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::Description::Description

Return value: the current value of the descriptions association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::Description::Description

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $array_ref is not a reference to an array class Bio::MAGE::Description::Description instances

$array_ref = $describable->getDescriptions()
The restricted getter method for the descriptions association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the descriptions association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::Description::Description

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

Because the descriptions association has list cardinality, it may store more than one value. This method adds the current list of objects in the descriptions association.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the descriptions association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::Description::Description

Associations Inherited from Bio::MAGE::Extendable

From the MAGE-OM documentation for the propertySets association:

Allows specification of name/value pairs. Meant to primarily help in-house, pipeline processing of instances by providing a place for values that aren't part of the specification proper.

$array_ref = $extendable->setPropertySets($array_ref)
The restricted setter method for the propertySets association.

Input parameters: the value to which the propertySets association will be set : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::NameValueType

Return value: the current value of the propertySets association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::NameValueType

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified, or if too many input parameters are specified , or if $array_ref is not a reference to an array class Bio::MAGE::NameValueType instances

$array_ref = $extendable->getPropertySets()
The restricted getter method for the propertySets association.

Input parameters: none

Return value: the current value of the propertySets association : a reference to an array of objects of type Bio::MAGE::NameValueType

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if any input parameters are specified

Because the propertySets association has list cardinality, it may store more than one value. This method adds the current list of objects in the propertySets association.

Input parameters: the list of values @vals to add to the propertySets association. NOTE: submitting a single value is permitted.

Return value: none

Side effects: none

Exceptions: will call croak() if no input parameters are specified , or if any of the objects in @vals is not an instance of class Bio::MAGE::NameValueType


Please send bug reports to


Jason E. Stewart (

